2023 Inductees

David E. Flinchbaugh, Ph.D., P.E., C.Mfg.E., C.E.M.
CEO of Technology Applications International, and CTO of Medventions Technologies
11 U.S. Patents
Dr. David Flinchbaugh is the CEO of Technology Applications International, CTO Advanced Medical Innovations and founder and former CEO of UroSolutions, Inc. Dr. Flinchbaugh is a trained nuclear physicist, health physicist and prolific inventor across a number of scientific sectors.
His most significant patents include seven which describe the UroCycler—a non-invasive, fully FDA Certified prosthetic urinary sphincter and bladder management system which restores normal recycling to the human urinary tract and which has been clinically proven to reduce by 90.9% fatal catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) by 90.9%, a significant decrease considering CAUTIs kill an estimated 90,000 people each year.
His extraordinary developments also include the invention of the ROSA (remotely operated service arm) for deployment in nuclear power facilities. This high-tech robotic system is deployed for the maintenance, decontamination, and refueling of nuclear reactor electric power generation facilities, and can perform all operations required to keep the facility operating, without exposing the human workers to the extremely hazardous radiation environments. His successful work has been used in nearly all of the nuclear power systems around the world, including the recovery of the Japanese Fukushima system in the wake of the 2011 tsunami.
Dr. Flinchbaugh has also been a leader in the innovation ecosystem in Florida and across the nation. He founded four Florida companies as well as the Inventors Council of Central Florida—the second oldest inventors council in the nation. He also served as a Director of the National Council of Inventor Organizations.
Dedicated to helping his community, Dr. Flinchbaugh works almost daily with quadriplegics, wounded and disabled returning war combat veterans, and he has provided numerous innovations to help cancer and HIV victims. He enjoys working with young people and has created and taught courses in STEM for K-12 as well as college students.
Dr. Flinchbaugh holds two B.S. degrees from Union College; two Master’s degrees, and a doctorate in quantum physics from the University of Connecticut. He went on to complete post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a Life Fellow of IEEE; and a Fellow of the Laser Institute of America, Optica (formerly the Optical Society of America), and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. He also received the Medical Excellence Award, the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation Award, and the DaVinci Award.